Brand Your Blog To Gain Maximum Visibility

Company blogs are one of the most effective ways to forge an emotional connection between your target audience and your company brand. To get the most out of your business blog, it is important to know how to put out the right signals in every post to support the...

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Kick the Lone Wolf Behavior to the Curb

I was a lone wolf for many years. After over 15+ years working in the Hollywood entertainment industry, I was slow to trust others. I had some incredible women entrepreneurs come into my life and put all those fears to rest. What I learned from the beautiful life...

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Bravo! Bravo!

While traveling recently, I had the pleasure of seeing the famous cliff divers in Acapulco. There was a little boy in the crowd who was screaming “BRAVO! BRAVO! ” while each diver dove 100 feet off the jagged rocks. The audience was both energized by his enthusiasm...

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Meditation + Pyramid = Hollywood

In my early 20’s, I ran with a fabulous group of girlfriends in San Francisco. We were all about glamour. We draped ourselves in pearls, wore Coco Chanel perfume, and never left the house without our red lipstick. We spent all of our dispensable income on elaborate...

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