Our comfort zone is just fear of the unknown. Saying YES to new experiences and opportunities takes courage.
I have been saying YES a lot lately, and this is what I have learned:
* There are times during the day that I yearn to feel “comfortable.” That is when I remind myself that being uncomfortable is my new comfortable.
* Creating healthy habits is essential to having the inner core strength to say YES.
* Not every outcome is going to look anything like what I thought it would. Leaving the expectations at the door is key.
I ask you, Sisters & Brothers, what experiences and opportunities are waiting for you to say YES? What steps can you take today to make that happen?
Brand Director, Marketer, Author & International Speaker
Joie Gharrity
Joie was inspired to write The Red Carpet Guide to Visibility and Influence because she realized that most creative types and entrepreneurs were not focused on standing in their own Spotlight and selling themselves, which impacts their long-term success and earning power. She designed the book to double as a guide packed with her signature branding and marketing techniques that can be implemented easily and quickly.
Grab your copy today for only $19.99!