While traveling recently, I had the pleasure of seeing the famous cliff divers in Acapulco. There was a little boy in the crowd who was screaming “BRAVO! BRAVO! ” while each diver dove 100 feet off the jagged rocks.
The audience was both energized by his enthusiasm and annoyed all at the same time. He was standing in his own Spotlight and shining bright and frankly didn’t care about anyone around him. He was the ultimate cheerleader for the divers and their death-defying feat.
It got me thinking about how society may be energized and annoyed all at the sometime as we break away from the herd and stand in our own Spotlight. It also got me thinking about how as entrepreneurs we all are jumping off cliffs.
Every time we make a bold move and stretch outside of our comfort zone, we are literally diving off our own cliffs in front of an audience. We are opening ourselves up to criticism, fear, vulnerability, and failure. I have crashed on the rocks below on many occasions.
There have also been many times in my life that I have had that little boy in my life singing BRAVO just when I needed it. I have dedicated my life to being of service to community and women entrepreneurs globally.
My writing my book The Red Carpet Guide to Visibility and Influence was definitely jumping off a cliff and standing in my own Spotlight. What cliffs are you jumping off? Let us know so I can support you and sing “BRAVO Sisters and Brothers!”
“Uncomfortable is the new comfortable.”
Brand Director, Marketer, Author & International Speaker
Joie Gharrity