Women entrepreneurs know that it can be very easy to get caught up in the workings of the business–creating content, systems, programs, and all those other things that need to be attended to. This can be incredibly time-consuming, and working on the company brand’s visibility in the marketplace can accidentally take a backseat.
It is vital that the process of creating your brand content integrate seamlessly with maximizing your visibility and presence in the marketplace. In other words, you want to hit the ground running and be growing your company brand visibility immediately because it is directly linked to you company brand’s earning power. The power of your brand cannot be understated–you need to use it to your advantage!
Unfortunately, many women entrepreneurs wait until everything is “perfect” before putting their brand out there in the marketplace. It is natural for women to want to make sure that anything people will see attributed to their name is in ideal order first for many reasons, but the following two reasons are generally the most prevalent.
1. Fear
The first is FEAR of being ostracized. Socially, many women are told that everything needs to be “perfect,” and if everything is not “perfect,” then they will be criticized publicly and privately, which never feels good, especially when you’ve tried so hard at something that it’s become an integral part of your life. It is important in business to personally separate yourself from your company because it takes time to grow the brand’s visibility, which is directly linked to increasing your customer base. This translates into dollars and cents. Live your brand, day in and day out, and the customers will follow organically.
2. Confidence
The second is the lack of CONFIDENCE. Feel worthy of really stepping out of the shadows and into the spotlight allowing the marketplace to see you and your company brand–you deserve it! You will feel vulnerable at times, which is certainly uncomfortable, but your brand’s earning power relies on you allowing the marketplace to see you and your company brand in a beautiful, glowing light. Your essential inner-beauty is directly linked to your brand’s earning power. Capitalize on it!
If you want your brand to be a six-figure business, your brand’s VISIBILITY needs to be at a six-figure level in the marketplace. Your brand’s earning power is directly linked to your brand’s visibility. And in order for customers to want to buy your products, make appointments for your services, and/ or request your assistance, they have to be able to easily find and trust your business; they need to believe in your brand.
Brand Director, Content Producer,, Author & International Speaker
Joie Gharrity