I was watching an interview the other day and the featured guest was talking about happiness and how it is literally a choice. Not just when you get up in the morning but the opportunity to choose to be happy comes along every minute of the day. It got me thinking...
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sample post sample post sample post sample post sample post sample post sample post sample post sample post sample post sample post sample post sample post sample post sample post sample post sample post sample post sample post sample post sample post sample...
sample post sample post sample post sample post sample post sample post sample post sample post sample post sample post sample post sample post sample post sample post sample post sample post sample post sample post sample post sample post sample post sample...
When one thinks of Sheryl Sandberg, they are often impressed by her long list of accomplishments. After being wooed away from Google to become COO of Facebook by Mark Zuckerberg, Sheryl has been credited with turning what was once a fledging social networking website...